Film Photography

Whenever I travel (or am stuck in my apartment during a pandemic), I love taking my Pentax K1000 and shooting film. I rarely take photos of people, instead preferring landscapes, buildings, and interesting plants. See the galleries below to check out what I find beautiful and interesting to look at.





Double Exposures

Video Projects

A recently-discovered passion of mine is making short films set to or influenced by music. So far, these small projects have all been shot in my own home, filmed using my own equipment and starring my (sometimes unwilling) roommates. The videos below were made to be shown during streamed concerts that included live performances as well as pre-recorded sections.

Planet Hildegard: Episode 1

This short film was created to accompany a concert of music by Hildegard von Bingen. Inspired by text written by Hildegard, I created a nature documentary about β€œThe Panther.” Animal handling credit to Charles Mueller.